Fujiyanagi Academy, a school with big dreams, finds itself in a sticky situation when a scandal involving the student council president blows up. Yoshiyuki, a delinquent student, gets blamed and suspended, leaving him feeling abandoned. Enter Risako, a kind but clueless teacher who feels guilty for not standing up for him. She offers to help him catch up on his studies, but things take a wild turn when Yoshiyuki asks her to do somethingā¦ *ahem*ā¦ extra. Risako, being as innocent as a baby deer, doesnāt even know what a blowjob is, but sheās determined to help him, even if it means learning on the job. What follows is a mix of awkward, steamy, and downright hilarious moments as Risako stumbles through her new ālessons.ā The story is equal parts funny and sad, showing how far someone will go to make up for their mistakes, even if it means crossing some very inappropriate lines. Itās a wild ride, but you canāt help but feel a little bad for Risako as she tries to navigate this mess.
Shihai no Kyoudan Episode 3
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