Shoujo x Shoujo x Shoujo The Animation Episode 1

Shoujo x Shoujo x Shoujo The Animation Episode 1



"Shoujo x Shoujo x Shoujo" is a wild, steamy ride into the hidden world of the Tenjou Mansion, where secrets bubble up like the hot springs beneath it. The story kicks off with Kengo, the prodigal son, returning home to a mansion full of beautiful, sheltered girls—Aya-neesan, the voluptuous eldest, and her innocent sisters Mitsuba, Yotsuba, and Futaba, along with his childhood friend Matsuriko. These girls, raised in isolation, are desperate for connection, and Kengo becomes the center of their pent-up desires. What follows is a night of unrestrained passion, as the girls take turns exploring their newfound freedom with Kengo in the steamy, secluded hot springs.

The positives? The animation is lush, with detailed character designs and a sultry atmosphere that pulls you into the forbidden world of the mansion. The girls’ personalities shine through, from Aya’s confident allure to the shy, curious innocence of the younger sisters. The story, while heavy on the taboo, manages to weave in emotional undertones, especially with Matsuriko’s heartfelt plea for Kengo to save them from their oppressive lives. The erotic scenes are intense, with plenty of variety to keep things exciting—oral, penetration, and even some playful exploration between the girls themselves.

On the flip side, the taboo themes might not be everyone’s cup of tea. The power dynamics and the girls’ sheltered upbringing can feel a bit uncomfortable at times, especially when their innocence is highlighted. The pacing can also feel rushed, with the story jumping from emotional moments to full-blown orgies without much buildup. Still, if you’re into forbidden love and steamy encounters, this one delivers in spades. Just be prepared for a long, *long* night of ecstasy that leaves you wondering if Kengo will ever leave that hot spring cave—or if he even wants to.


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