Shoujo Ramune Episode 4

Shoujo Ramune Episode 4



Oh my gosh, like, this story is *so* intense, you guys. It’s, like, totally a rollercoaster of emotions, but also, like, super dark and kinda creepy? Okay, so, there’s this girl, Komako-chan, and she’s, like, super innocent but also, like, not? She’s got this older guy, Mister, who’s, like, her “bodyguard” or whatever, but he’s, like, *way* too into her. Like, he’s supposed to be helping her with her dream of becoming an idol, but, like, he’s also super pervy and, like, totally crossing lines. It’s, like, a total power imbalance, and it’s, like, *so* messed up.

Komako-chan is, like, super conflicted because she kinda likes him, but also, like, she knows it’s wrong? Like, she’s all, “Mister, you’re a total pervert!” but then she’s, like, “But I don’t hate it…” Ugh, it’s, like, so complicated. And then there’s this whole thing where they’re, like, sneaking around at school during summer vacation, and it’s, like, super risky and, like, totally forbidden. The setting is, like, this empty school, and it’s, like, a symbol of how, like, their relationship is, like, hidden and, like, totally not okay.

The conflict is, like, *so* intense. Komako-chan is, like, torn between her dream of being an idol and, like, this super messed-up relationship with Mister. She’s, like, “I wanna be an idol!” but then she’s also, like, “But Mister makes me feel so good…” Ugh, it’s, like, so hard to watch. And Mister is, like, totally taking advantage of her, but he’s also, like, “I love you, Tenka-chan!” It’s, like, so twisted.

There’s, like, this *huge* symbolism with the school being empty, like, it’s, like, a metaphor for how, like, Komako-chan’s innocence is, like, totally gone. And then there’s, like, this hyperbole where she’s, like, “Your cock is, like, *so* huge, it’s, like, filling up my whole belly!” Like, okay, girl, we get it, it’s, like, *massive*. And then there’s, like, this other hyperbole where she’s, like, “I wish this summer vacation would never end!” Like, girl, you’re, like, totally trapped in this messed-up situation.

The themes are, like, super heavy. It’s, like, all about power, and, like, how, like, adults can totally take advantage of young people. And then there’s, like, this whole thing about, like, dreams and how, like, they can get totally twisted. Like, Komako-chan wants to be an idol, but, like, at what cost? It’s, like, so sad.

And, like, the twists are, like, totally unexpected. Like, when Komako-chan is, like, “I don’t hate it,” it’s, like, *so* shocking because, like, you’re, like, “Girl, no!” But then she’s, like, “But it feels so good!” Ugh, it’s, like, so messed up. And then, like, when Mister is, like, “I love you,” it’s, like, totally ironic because, like, he’s, like, totally using her.

So, yeah, this story is, like, super intense and, like, totally messed up, but also, like, kinda fascinating? Like, you can’t look away, even though it’s, like, totally wrong. It’s, like, a total trainwreck, but, like, you’re, like, “I need to see how this ends!” Ugh, it’s, like, so dark.

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