Saimin Seishidou Episode 2

Saimin Seishidou Episode 2



Alright, let’s dive into this wild ride of a hentai. Tanaka Hajime, the self-proclaimed “Sex Counselor,” struts into school like he’s the messiah of horniness, claiming the government sent him to teach kids how to bone properly. His rules? Couples can’t kiss or do the deed without his “counseling,” and whatever he says is gospel. Naturally, the boys are all too eager to hand over their girlfriends for some “guidance,” and the girls, bless their hearts, go along with it because… well, plot convenience. Tanaka’s idea of counseling? Hypnotizing, raping, and creampie-ing these poor girls in front of their boyfriends, who apparently get off on watching their girlfriends get wrecked. Classy.

The star of this circus is Kurashiki Reina, a sassy girl who thinks she’s too experienced for Tanaka’s nonsense. Spoiler: she’s not. Tanaka breaks her down with his magical hypnosis dick, turning her into a quivering, cum-drunk mess who can’t stop screaming about how good it feels. Meanwhile, other girls get roped into “tryout counseling,” where they learn the joys of sucking and riding Tanaka’s cock like it’s their life’s purpose. The whole thing escalates to a public restroom show, where Tanaka and his hapless victims put on a live performance for a crowd of horny onlookers. It’s as ridiculous as it sounds.

On the plus side, the animation is decent, and the voice acting sells the over-the-top drama. But let’s be real—this is a dumpster fire of a plot. Tanaka’s “guidance” is just an excuse for non-stop, borderline non-consensual sex scenes, and the girls’ personalities flip faster than a pancake once Tanaka’s dick gets involved. If you’re into absurd power fantasies and don’t mind the lack of logic, this might be your jam. Otherwise, it’s a hard pass.


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