The story dives into the twisted world of *Hypnosis Academy*, where power, humiliation, and revenge take center stage. Aiba Ruka, the proud and haughty rich girl, and Ishidou Suzune, her childhood friend, find themselves at the mercy of Domyouji Yukimasa, the quiet and overlooked son of a powerful family. After years of being mocked and used, Yukimasa turns the tables using hypnosis, forcing the girls into degrading and explicit acts. Ruka’s icy demeanor and Suzune’s reluctant obedience crumble as they’re subjected to public humiliation, forced orgasms, and mind-bending control. The scenes are intense, with Yukimasa’s dominance pushing the girls to their limits, leaving them begging and broken. While the animation and taboo themes might appeal to some, the lack of consent and heavy focus on degradation might not sit well with everyone. It’s a dark, twisted tale of revenge, but one that leaves little room for redemption or warmth.
Saimin Gakuen Episode 2
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