Resort Boin Episode 3

Resort Boin Episode 3



Oh boy, where do I even start with this one? Imagine a soap opera, but instead of dramatic pauses and tearful confessions, it’s just a never-ending parade of awkward sex scenes and characters who can’t seem to keep their pants on. Daisuke-san, the so-called “amazing guy,” is apparently the town’s most eligible bachelor, because every woman within a 10-mile radius is throwing themselves at him like he’s the last slice of pizza at a party. Momo-chan, Maya-chan, Nao-san, Mitsugu—heck, even the laundry seems to have a crush on him. The plot? Oh, there isn’t one. It’s just Daisuke-san bouncing from one girl to the next, with everyone tripping over themselves to praise his “big”… uh, personality.

The positives? Well, if you’re into over-the-top, borderline ridiculous hentai where everyone is inexplicably horny 24/7, this might be your jam. The animation is decent, and the voice acting is… enthusiastic, to say the least. But let’s be real, the dialogue is so cringe-worthy it could make a rock blush. “Daisuke-sama, please punish me more!” Yeah, sure, because nothing says romance like a guy who treats sex like a chore he’s reluctantly completing. And don’t even get me started on the “punishment” scenes—apparently, in this world, being spanked or having your “poopy hole” violated is the ultimate expression of love. Who knew?

On the downside, the story (if you can call it that) is about as coherent as a drunk person trying to explain quantum physics. Characters pop in and out of scenes like they’re playing a game of sexual tag, and the pacing is so erratic it feels like the writers were making it up as they went along. Plus, the whole “first time” trope is beaten to death—seriously, how many virgins can one guy deflower in a single video? At this point, Daisuke-san should start handing out loyalty cards: “Get your 10th virgin free!”

In conclusion, this hentai is a wild ride, but not necessarily in a good way. It’s like watching a train wreck—you can’t look away, but you also kind of want to. If you’re in the mood for something utterly ridiculous and don’t mind a complete lack of plot, this might be worth a laugh. Just don’t expect anything remotely resembling a meaningful story. And for the love of all that’s holy, don’t take any relationship advice from it.


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