Love Forever Episode 1

Love Forever Episode 1



Okay, so like, "Love Forever" starts with this dude named Masato who's all confused 'cause he wakes up in a hospital. Apparently, his girlfriend, Sayaka (who he can't remember for some reason) died, and like, they found him all beat up next to her. Talk about a bad breakup!

His sister Kurumi and his friend Ayana keep telling him how much he LOOOVED Sayaka. It's like, super awkward because Masato's all "Sayaka who?" They even mention this creepy butler dude named Roy who seems to think they're besties.

Oh, and get this, everyone's acting weirder than usual (which is saying something in this town) since Sayaka bit the dust. Even Masato's other friend Ukyou is MIA. It's giving major Romeo and Juliet vibes but with more... tentacles?

So Masato goes to visit Sayaka's grave, 'cause that's what you do when you forget you're dating someone, right? Suddenly, BAM! He gets attacked by a sword-wielding Ukyou! Turns out Ukyou's all bitter and jealous (shocker) and blames Masato for Sayaka's death. Like, "Bro, it's not my fault you didn't get the girl!"

Just when Ukyou's about to deliver the final blow, this smoking hot angel named Milfy swoops in! Apparently, Ukyou's possessed by a demon (because why not?) and Masato's the chosen one who has to stop him. It's totally unfair, like, Masato can't even remember what he had for breakfast!

And how does Milfy plan to give him the power to fight demons? Well, let's just say it involves getting "biblically" close. Talk about divine intervention!

After their little "ritual," Masato's feeling all heroic and stuff. They head to this creepy research lab where Ukyou's holed up with a Sayaka clone. Yeah, you read that right, a CLONE! Apparently, Ukyou's dad was some mad scientist before Ukyou decided to borrow his body and research.

Anyway, clone Sayaka is like a robot girlfriend - all pretty and obedient but without any feelings. Talk about a bad deal!

A huge fight breaks out, with Masato (powered by God) duking it out with Ukyou (powered by the demon king who's basically using him like a puppet). It's like, the ultimate game of good vs. evil, but in a science lab with a side of existential crisis.

Milfy sacrifices herself to save Masato (angel down!), and Ukyou bites the dust too (literally). Masato's left with clone Sayaka who starts crying even though she doesn't have a heart. It's ironic, get it?

The episode ends with Masato deciding to make clone Sayaka fall in love with him. And yeah, he's totally gonna bone her. Because, you know, love conquers all, even death, amnesia, and being a soulless clone. The end... or is it?

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