Kyouiku Shidou The Animation Episode 1

Kyouiku Shidou The Animation Episode 1



This case? It started like any other, with a seemingly squeaky-clean student representative, Kiyoka Suzumoto. A real goody-two-shoes, always filing papers like her life depended on it. But this dame, she had a secret, see? And this Inui, the new P.E. teacher, he sniffed it out like a bloodhound on a scent.

This Inui, he was a wolf in gym shorts. A predator who used 'free sample' sports drinks laced with enough aphrodisiac to make a rhino blush. One sip and Kiyoka's hotter than a four-alarm fire, and this Inui just happens to be there to 'help'.

He claims it's stress relief, but this guy's got a lesson plan straight out of the gutter. He uses Kiyoka's fear of exposure as leverage, dangling that video of her… extracurricular activities like a cheap carrot. He's practically drowning in his own perverse desires, this one.

The irony is thicker than molasses in January. Kiyoka, so opposed to his advances, folds faster than a cheap suit under his touch. He's rough, forceful, treating her like a personal chew toy. Yet she reacts like a junkie getting a fix, her resistance crumbling with every thrust. He breaks her down, body and soul, filling her with his… teachings.

But here’s the kicker, see? Kiyoka, she’s not as innocent as she pretends to be. There's a darkness in her, a craving that even she doesn't understand. She claims it's the drink, the situation, but I've seen enough dames to know self-deception when it’s staring me in the face. She's a tangled web of contradictions, this one, fighting and clinging to her tormentor in equal measure.

And this Inui, he’s just getting started. He’s got a whole school of unsuspecting students in his sights, and he's hungry for more. This ain’t over, not by a long shot. This case, it’s just heating up.

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