Koukai Benjo The Animation Episode 1

Koukai Benjo The Animation Episode 1



"Koukai Benjo The Animation Episode 1" is like, totally messed up, even for grown-ups! It's about this girl, Reika, who's like the super-duper important class president, right? But then, bam! She gets picked out of a hat (can you believe it?!) to be the "comfort station," which is a really, really bad thing. Imagine being the only toilet in a school with a gazillion boys!

This school is full of weirdos! They say it's to keep everyone safe and stuff, but it's just an excuse for the boys to be mean and gross. It's like, a million times worse than when that one kid put a frog in the water fountain! Reika tries to act all tough, but everyone's just mean to her, even her vice-president.

This show is like a car crash, you don't want to look, but you kind of have to! Reika's friend, Chika, tries to help her escape, but Reika's like, brainwashed or something. She's all like, "No, being the comfort station is awesome!" It's super sad. :(

But then, plot twist! Chika decides if you can't beat 'em, join 'em. She drinks this nasty potion, like something out of "Alice in Wonderland," and declares herself Ryou's (a boy at the school) personal comfort station! It's kinda sweet, in a really messed up Romeo and Juliet kind of way. They even say they love each other!

The show ends with Chika being all lovey-dovey with Ryou, and saying she'll be his "sex tool." Yikes! I guess love really is blind (and deaf, and dumb). It's all very confusing and icky, but I guess that's what happens in a school full of hormone-crazed teenagers with no supervision.


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