Kazoku: Haha to Shimai no Kyousei Episode 3

Kazoku: Haha to Shimai no Kyousei Episode 3



Okay, so like, episode three of "Kazoku" is totally cray-cray! It's like a soap opera on steroids. Picture this: Itsuki's stepmom, Otoha, is like, *so* not into him in the beginning. She's all, "Eww, we're family!" But Itsuki is, like, obsessed. He's constantly comparing his...um..."equipment"... to her toys, which is just wrong on so many levels. Like, hello, Oedipus much?

Anyway, the whole episode is basically Itsuki trying to get with both his stepmom and stepsister, who are just trying to, like, live their lives. It's a total trainwreck, and not the hot kind. There's a scene on a crowded train where he's basically dry-humping his stepsister, and she's freaking out, like, "People can see!" Talk about mortifying!

And the irony? Don't even get me started. The stepsister is trying to talk to Itsuki about how weird he's been acting, hoping to fix their family bond. But he's just using it as an opportunity to, like, cop a feel. It's sad, really. And Otoha, the stepmom? She's stuck between a rock and a hard place - literally! She’s torn between being grossed out and actually kind of liking it. It's like her conscience is, like, a melting popsicle.

This whole episode is just a giant metaphor for dysfunctional families, only with way more tentacles… I mean, "cloudy white essence." Ugh, I need a shower after watching this.


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