Jewelry THE ANIMATION Episode 1

Jewelry THE ANIMATION Episode 1



Okay, so this episode of "Jewelry THE ANIMATION" starts with this couple, Sou-kun and Sachi. They're like, totally in love and stuff, but Sachi's mom is being a real drag, like a big old raincloud on a sunny day! She keeps bugging them about having a baby, just like all grandmas do!

Anyway, Sou-kun is kind of a sleepyhead. He's like that one kid in class who's always dozing off! Sachi tries to keep him up to watch the first sunrise of the year, but he's out like a light! She tries everything, even tickling him, but he just won't wake up!

Then things get a little spicy! You know those parts grown-ups always skip? Yeah, there's some of that! But afterwards, Sachi gets all lovey-dovey and says she wants to have lots of babies, like a whole soccer team! It's like she flipped a switch!

The episode ends with them cuddling. It's pretty sweet, like a big bowl of ice cream! But it makes you wonder if Sou-kun really wants all those kids or if he's just saying that. It's like a surprise present – you won't know what's inside until you open it!


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