The story begins with a bittersweet loss at the district tournament, where Shunya and his team fall short of making it to nationals. Heartbroken and desperate to impress his manager, Shinozuka-senpai, Shunya finds himself at her house, where things take a steamy turn. Shinozuka, eager to cheer him up, dives into a world of awkward yet passionate intimacy, guided by a borrowed dirty magazine. What follows is a mix of clumsy attempts, nervous giggles, and raw desire as the two explore each other’s bodies. From tender breast play to intense oral and penetrative sex, their connection deepens, even as Shinozuka struggles with her own insecurities. The story ends on a hopeful note, with promises of future victories and more intimate moments, though the stretched-out magazine might just get her in trouble with her friend. It’s a tale of youthful passion, awkward firsts, and the messy, beautiful chaos of young love.
Ikkyuu Nyuukon Episode 4
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