Iinari! Saimin Kanojo Episode 1

Iinari! Saimin Kanojo Episode 1



Oh boy, where do I even start with this one? Picture this: a guy named Takuma who’s got a crush on his classmate, Megumi. He’s daydreaming about eating her homemade lunches, going on cute dates, and, well, getting a little more *intimate*. But here’s the twist—he stumbles upon some sketchy hypnosis technique online (because of course he does) and decides, “Why not?” Next thing you know, Megumi’s under his spell, and things get *very* hands-on.

The story dives into some pretty wild territory, with Takuma using his newfound “powers” to make Megumi do all sorts of things she’s not exactly thrilled about. From forced kisses to, uh, *exploring* her body, it’s a rollercoaster of awkwardness and discomfort. The animation and voice acting do a decent job of selling the tension, but let’s be real—the whole hypnosis angle feels a bit over-the-top, even for hentai standards.

On the plus side, the art style is clean, and the scenes are, well, *detailed*. But the lack of consent and Megumi’s constant protests might leave you feeling a bit icky. If you’re into darker, more taboo themes, this might scratch that itch, but for those who prefer a little more romance and mutual enthusiasm, this one might not be your cup of tea. Overall, it’s a wild ride, but maybe not one you’d want to take twice.


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